CTC 2013

Complex Trait Community 12th annual meeting
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
May 29-31, 2013


The registration fee is $200 after March 15, 2013.

The registration fee includes the Tuesday night welcome reception, Wednesday breaks and lunch, Thursday breaks and a reception, a morning break on Friday, and the program booklet.

Register online now.

Abstracts were due 15 March 2013 and are no longer being accepted.

Registration questions: Contact CALS Conference Services at 608-263-1672 or conference@cals.wisc.edu.

Cancellations: A registration refund, minus a $40 administrative charge, will be made for cancellation requests received on or before May 15, 2013. No refunds will be given after May 15, 2013. Substitute registrations are accepted. Contact CALS Conference Services at 608-263-1672 or conference@cals.wisc.edu.